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Dress Code

The dress code as summarized below is conservative in nature, and reflects the wishes of our membership, and the practices of our peer clubs.  The Board of Directors at The Toronto Hunt has authorized our senior staff to administer the standards of dress on Club property.  Their professional judgement and discretion in support of our membership will be applied at all times.
FORMAL AREAS - Business Attire
(Summit, Boardroom, Lounges & Formal Dining Rooms)
  • Prior to 5:00 pm, jacket is required (tie optional)
  • After 5:00 pm, jacket and tie required
  • Ladies are required to dress to an equivalent standard
CASUAL AREAS - Business Casual Attire
(Annex, Upper Annex, Patios, Fox Lounge & Bar)
  • Collared shirts and slacks for gentlemen or golf attire
  • Ladies are required to dress to an equivalent standard or golf attire
Please note: Dress is required to be neat, attractive and in good taste, keeping with Club standards. Denim (jeans) of any colour, cut-offs, short-shorts, t-shirts, tank/tube tops are not acceptable. Casual footwear including open-toed sandals and loafers are acceptable.

CHILDREN - Juniors aged 10 and over are required to dress to the standards as noted by the locations above. Some latitude will be extended to children under age 10 (pre juniors), but dress should be in keeping with the general guidelines.

* If you are attending a special event, please confirm with your member/host the dress code requirements for that occasion


Wireless Communication Devices

Policy Amended - June 27, 2024

Clubhouse/Golf Centre/Patios:
Personal Electronic Devices such as cell phones and tablets must be placed on silent mode at all times. The respectful use of devices for discreet texting and emailing is permitted anywhere in the clubhouse, golf centre, and patio areas. The “phone” function use of cellular devices is only permitted in the parking lot, meeting rooms and courtesy phone centres (including locker rooms). It is prohibited to use the phone function in all other social spaces and shared areas of the clubhouse and golf centre including the patio areas. Please remind guests to comply with the Club’s policy.
Golf Course:
Use of mobile devices is permitted on the golf course for the purpose of posting scores and viewing hole distances.  Devices must be placed on silent mode at all times. As well, it is permitted to use the phone function of a mobile device to request assistance from the Pro Shop staff in emergency situations and also in reporting trespassers and slow play.

Alcohol Serving Policy
Under the Liquor Licence Act and Regulations, it is illegal to serve alcoholic beverages to persons under the age of 19 as well as to those who are visibly intoxicated. Members of the Club and their guests are reminded that it is their responsibility to drink responsibly. The Liquor Licence Act of Ontario also states in part that:
  • No person shall sell or supply liquor or permit liquor to be sold or supplied to any person who is or appears to be intoxicated. R.S.O. 1990, c. L.19, s.29.
The Board of Directors of the Club has instructed Club staff to ensure that we are always compliant with this law.  All Members (and guests) must cooperate with the staff and are equally responsible for and encouraged to assist each other with the enforcement of this Policy. The Board has developed this Policy to ensure that the Club is compliant with the law and address what it believes to be in the best interests of the Club, its Members, and their guests. 

Accessibility (AODA)

In 2005, the government of Ontario passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). The goal of the AODA is to remove barriers and make Ontario an accessible province for persons with disabilities by 2025.

The Toronto Hunt is committed to providing an environment that is accessible and inclusive to all persons with disabilities who work or visit here. We are committed to meeting the needs of all persons with disabilities in a timely manner, and in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We will do so by removing and preventing barriers to accessibility and by meeting our accessibility requirements under Ontario’s accessibility laws.
The Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR) under the AODA required that effective January 1, 2014, The Toronto Hunt must develop, implement and post a multi-year accessibility plan to prevent and remove accessibility barriers.

The accessibility plan outlines The Toronto Hunt’s strategy to identify and eliminate barriers for persons with disabilities, and comply with all AODA requirements applicable to The Toronto Hunt.

The Toronto Hunt’s customer service training guide outlines our practices to better serve the needs of members and guests with disabilities and improve customer service by removing barriers in attitude and understanding.
Standard and accessible formats of this document are available by contacting [email protected].

For more information on The Toronto Hunt's accessibility plan, please contact:

Jeff Long
CEO & General Manager
The Toronto Hunt
416-691-3118 ext: 206
[email protected]